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Hustle ... Self-determination to go out there and work it out until you made it.

Special Announcement - Your Covid-19 Response Survival Plan

We are pleased to announce that BM Accounting is offering services that are registered with the Management Capability Voucher Fund through New Zealand Trade and Development (NZTE) and the Regional Business Partner Network.

What does this mean?

Your business may qualify for vouchers to help pay for specialist training and coaching that drives improved skills and capabilities of business owners, operators, and key managers. In the interim these services will be specifically aimed at formulating a logical and coherent response to the threats from COVID 19.

After registering your business, a Regional Growth Adviser will assess your immediate needs and where applicable may suggest further training as part of an action plan to support your business  to grow and innovate in the current uncertain economic climate.

Where do BM Accounting come in?

We think the pressing issues during this COVID-19 shutdown phase are in the following key areas:

  • Cash flow management – knowing what your cash flows look like and what your needs might be.

  • Business continuity planning – understanding the required business model going forward – what level of overheads should be retained, what level of sales are required and what the action plan is.

Can you apply?

The criteria set out by NZTE is as follows:

  • Have fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees.

  • Are registered for GST in New Zealand.

  • Are operating in a commercial environment.

  • Are a privately owned business or are a Maori Trust or incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Maori assets under multiple ownership.

  • Have undergone an assessment with a Regional Partner (ie: Growth Adviser).

If you meet these requirements and are assessed as having a need by the Regional Partner, the value of your services is likely to be fully funded.

Next steps

If you or your business would like to know further information or how to initiate the process for accessing the Management Capability Development Fund, then please contact your BM Advisor and we can help you with this process.


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BM Accounting Ltd

HAVELOCK NORTH - 06 876 7159 |   Level 1, The Village Exchange,  5 Havelock Road / PO Box 8151, Havelock North 4157

WAIPUKURAU -  06 857 8901 |    

4   Northumberland Street / PO Box 14,  Waipukurau  4200


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