Recently we heard about an employer who built up a successful business by focusing on his staff. He shared with us how he did it.

Every three months he would meet each one of them and discuss their personal and business ambitions. He would talk about what they liked and what they didn't like at work.
Knowing their aspirations he could learn how to motivate them. If they wanted to create a business like his, he would tell them they would need to learn how to manage people and he would guide them into positions of responsibility. Read more ...
Take action if you lose your cellphone
As business people, we rely on our cellphones for information as well as communication.
Losing a phone is serious. It's likely to contain all your usefule information - including your passwords for apps and financial accounts. So if you know it's not simply mislaid in a jacket pocket or purse, you need to act fast to protect yourself, your business and data about your clients and friends. Find out more ...
Also in this issue
Debt collection in an age of inflation
The overlooked virtue of the Disputes Tribunal
Big change to loss carry forward rules
Getting IRD interest cancelled 2021 year
Tax calendar
Year end tax implications
Why you need a will in NZ